Corrupción en México


Corrupt Police Refuse to Protect SolarSnap Store

SolarSnap to Close Hermosillo Store in the Wake of Worker Deprivation of Liberty, Extortion, Cyber Stalking and Police Corruption Scandal

Por: ME Williamson

Posted: 03 Marzo 2019

It is with mixed feelings that I must announce that after 3 years we will be closing our solar installation and sales store SolarSnap, located in Colonia San Benito.

We are too few and far outnumbered to defend our store from the outlaws and dishonest police who run our city. I, myself and many of our employees no longer feel safe working in this part of Hermosillo.

Recently, our solar installation team was kidnapped and held for a ransom of 200,000 pesos at a ranch in San Pedro. We managed to free ourselves, but then quickly realized that the police would never help us press our kidnapping case.

Our request for an investigation into the kidnapping has been denied. The persons in the Public Prosecutor's office denying our request are the following: Karla Yadira Brockman Salazar, David Martinez and Shelby Liray Velazquez Mendoza.

Then, the kidnappers invented the story that we had stolen something from them during the solar panel installation project 2 weeks before the kidnapping event. The kidnappers threatened to murder us and burn our houses.

Karla Yadira Brockman Salazar at the planning meeting with the outlaws, Magda and José Gamez.

The outlaws are members of the Gamez Grijalva family who own a local vegetable growing business on the outskirts of Hermosillo. This family uses ways and means of acting outside the law, such as harassment, intimidation, deprivation of liberty (confinement), cyber stalking, witness tampering, first-degree physical violence, among other practices similar to criminals, which are not worthy of a family to be respected. Rather, as they have shown with public ministry personnel, they have handled this matter in the same way that drug traffickers do to take control.

Evildoers stalked our store, frightened employees into quitting their jobs. They have also harassed and stalked on social media our customers. where death and fire threats are mentioned.

We are accusing the Gamez family and their employees of stealing equipment from our partially completed solar panel project and the act of kidnapping for ransom.

In fact, halfway through the installation project, I was distressed when Monica Gamez, the daughter of the owners of the company who lives with her parents on the ranch, informed me on Whatsapp that there were only 5 solar panels left on the roof. where the week before we had delivered 19.

Whatsapp conversation Monica Gamez, November 22, 2018:


In this conversation we were clearly discussing the missing solar panels. In addition, Ms. Gamez asks us when we will start work the next day, why would she ask when we just delivered a complete installation? In fact, our work continued for an additional 2 weeks where we had almost daily conversations. This conversation also addresses a future delivery of structures that were being prepared in our factory.

The reason I feel that this is a paid job and that all the prosecutors have been bribed by the Gamez family is that the prosecutors refuse to look into our kidnapping case, cyber harassment and refuse to listen to our side of the story. They have no interest in talking to us.

In addition, all witnesses to the alleged and fanciful story of robbery were previously accused of kidnapping our team. We were taken hostage and held against our will on December 6, 2018.

There were 8 video surveillance cameras operating at the installation site. When we requested copies of the videotape evidence, it was indicated that the cameras were not functioning on the day of the alleged abduction. Unbelievable, considering that there is a large video monitor in the secure central office of the outlaw's compound. We are supposed to believe that they therefore lacked the powers of observation to note that their large video monitor was not recording outside activities for 3 full weeks. Really!

It saddens us all that our Public Ministers are so corrupt in Hermosillo and sell out the citizens they are paid to serve. Things are so terrible in Hermosillo that retailers cannot maintain stores in this illegal capital city.

On December 12, 2018 I filed a complaint with the public minister for kidnapping. NO INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN CONDUCTED. When I tried to send my evidence to investigation unit III, they refused to receive my evidence!

On December 20, 2018, Ms. Martinez filed a complaint with the Public Minister for harassment and cyberterrorism against Monica Gamez Grijalva. This new crime report was also ignored by the Public Minister, and Ms. Martinez was even ridiculed by the bribed prosecutor. The prosecutor responded by revealing the location of the safe house where Ms. Martinez was staying, who was then harassed at the new, secret location of the house. Ms. Martinez has moved once again and kept her location secret in the corrupt offices of Karla Yadira Brockman Salazar's Minister and has not been found by the outlaws since.

Safe house located by outlaws one day after giving a speech to Ms. Yadira Brockman Salazar's office


The police do not want to investigate our complaints of illegal detentions, stalking, cyberstalking and death threats.

On December 8, 2018, they stalked our store, tried to grab me, for the second time, right in front of my own store, turned off the electricity to our store, called and threatened our employees, contacted and threatened our families.

When we called the police and they finally arrived at our store, the police officer referred to Jose Gamez as "Mr. Boss". I was there as the person they were trying to kidnap and take in their van, having seen them attack my store and being the only one to call the police. However, they and the police asked me for my identification and refused to ask for the identification of any of the members of Gámez's family, right in the parking lot of my store.

How did the police know who they were?

The police officer whispered to me, wanting to make sure this was not audible to José Gámez: "Please close the curtain of your store, sir".

On May 1, 2019, we will bring down the curtain on our San Benito store for good. As a maquiladora, manufacturer and retailer in the Mexico market, we are modifying our retail expansion plans for the country of Mexico. We will maintain a factory outlet store only near our factory facility in the Hermosillo Industrial Park. We will maintain our own private armed crisis responders, and we will refuse to perform installation work in the ranch areas surrounding Hermosillo, except where we know our customers very well.

This seems to be a universal truth about Mexico.

My question to you, my fellow citizens, is this: Do we continue to live in a society enhanced by illicit funds obtained through criminal networks, or do we develop as people driven by entrepreneurship and dedicated to the advancement of commerce? The reason Sonora is one of the wealthiest states in Mexico is due to the maquiladora companies that have chosen to invest in manufacturing and bring high quality jobs to this region of the country. The profits derived from the proceeds of illegal drug cultivation contribute very little to the community at large and only enrich a few, while bringing a host of extremely unpleasant safety issues and dangers to all of our lives.

We would like to initiate a federal investigation into our allegations of being kidnapped and being held against our will at the Gamez ranch on December 6, 2018, as well as the allegations of this apparent bribery scandal in Karla Yadira Brockman Salazar's office.

In closing, on behalf of SolarSnap, the board of directors, investors and employees, I would like to thank the San Benito community. We have thoroughly enjoyed the past three years running our store within and being a part of your wonderful neighborhood. Everyone is invited to visit us at our new store and factory in the Hermosillo Industrial Park.

You can also order through our online catalog at There you will find a complete and up-to-date line of products to choose from. In addition, we are enhancing the website application so that you will soon be able to place a retail installation order online with automatic scanning of your CFE bill and analysis delivered online.

For corporate sales in Hermosillo, after April 2019, you can visit our corporate office and factory facility in the Industrial Park located at 12-C Blvd. de los Seris, Parque Industrial.

Evidence from SolarSnap research and analysis


It is not technically possible for SolarSnap to have stolen its own solar panels during an open installation. There was still an open contract in place at the time of Gámez's abduction by the SolarSnap crew, and even later at the time Monica Gámez and Karla Yadira Brockman Salazar concocted their theft story on December 12, 2018. The installation schedule clearly indicated that The installation was to be completed on time on December 20, 2018:

Monica Gamez Grijalva stated to Mark Williamson on December 6, 2018 that the project was 2 weeks away from completion:

On the same day, the Gamez people demanded that SolarSnap return all the money paid for the project before the team could leave the Gamez complex and return home.

Gamez Assault on SolarSnap Store

On Saturday, December 8, 2018, a sales team training had just left the SolarSnap store. The students and teacher had just left, and Mark Williamson was alone in the San Benito store. Suddenly, the Gamez family, with their hired muscle, descended on the store, rushed to open the door and tried to enter and again kidnap Mark Williamson:

In this official kidnapping complaint of December 11, 2018, filed by Mark Williamson with the Hermosillo Public Prosecutor, but never investigated, it is alleged that the Gamez family held the workers against their will at their ranch for the ransom of 200,000 pesos. and then harassed by the Gamez family:

Public Minister of Abduction Complaints

In this 30 minute audio, Mr. Williamson visits Ms. Yadira Brockman's office and confronts her about the lack of concern for the kidnapping and asks her why the Public Prosecutor will not share the investigation file. Ms. Marinez and Mark Williamson talk to exhaustion with Ms. Yadira and David Martinez. Contrary to the law, Ms. Yadira Brockman refuses to turn over a copy of the investigation file which the defendant is entitled to see. What was she hiding? Perhaps a fraudulent theft case concocted by the Gamez family:

Audio of Ms. Brockman and Mr. Mark Williamson

Impossible theft story apparently fabricated by the Gamez family and paid police prosecutor Karla Yadira Brockman Salazar. In the improbable narrative, the CEO and a trustee of SolarSnap illegally remove solar panels that were part of an open installation project despite the obvious legal conflict inherent in such a statement. This unproven, unproven and unvetted claim was then broadcast on Facebook to a significant percentage of the population of Hermosillo and Sonora. This document was advertised on many social media channels for two months despite its total and complete lack of supporting evidence. This negligent and malicious act caused enormous damage to SolarSnap Corporations and two of its members:

This is a signed witness statement from another worker who was kidnapped and held against his will at the Gamez ranch, showing the number of solar panels left on the roof when the installation crew escaped from the captors. Not surprisingly, the Gamez family claims that the installation crew left zero solar panels:

This employee was working at the SolarSnap San Benito store with Ms. Lily Martinez all morning the morning of the alleged robbery in San Pedro. How can Ms. Martinez be in two places at once?

The installation project for the Gamez Ranch began on October 15, 2018 and automatically ended on December 6 under federal law when SolarSnap's work crew was illegally detained with an extortion amount of 200,000 pesos. During the first month of the project, the client demanded that SolarSnap install a second CFE connection that was not included in the contract. This required the excavation of a 60 meter trench. This added a great deal of time and expense to the project. No money was ever paid for this addition to the services delivered, although this work was completed.

Gamez work project history

This is the complaint filed by Lily Martinez after being harassed on social networks. This complaint was not taken seriously or investigated by the Hermosillo Public Prosecutor. The Gamez family and their employees obtained lists of the entire family for Ms. Martinez and Mr. Williamson from Facebook. The victims allege that the Gamez family created fake Facebook accounts and used them to create a gang of attackers. Many fictitious and unbelievable stories were made up and sent to the victims' families. It was said that if the stalkers did not receive money, they would send the stalking victims to jail, murder them and burn their cars. Mark Williamson and another witness reported that Monica Gamez Grijalva said she had paid extra money to the police to make sure Mr. Williamson was assaulted in prison:

Complaint filed against Monica Gamez Grijalva for cyber bullying and harassment of Lily Martinez. IGNORED BY THE PUBLIC MINISTER.

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