Corrupción en México



I am attempting to prevent your country from becoming the next Afghanistan.

Por: Mark E. Williamson

Posted: 30 Junio 2024

I am attempting to prevent your country from becoming the next Afghanistan.

George W. Bush with his proxy leaders Donald Trump and Ron DeSantos is planning to invade your country and to take it over for illegal drug profits and other unlawful designs.

The man whom was my business partner and subsequently murdered, Gonsalo Dojaque Acuna, was attempting to assist me in making Mexico a better country. We were working together to build SolarSnap to give better, cheaper energy to Mexico and were supporting each other in avoiding the control being directed at Mexico by the American CIA. The USA Drug Cartel, in conjunction with other interested parties, paid the state and city police to cover up his murder and to make it look like a suicide. Having murdered my partner and obscured evidence of this crime they are now again paying the police to keep me in a lock-step surveillance scenario by following me around Hermosillo.

I imagine that the USA Drug Cartel has invented stories around myself and Mr. Dojaque to help local police justify abusing SolarSnap workers, in murdering two innocent people and/or framing them using invented crimes. I felt it appropriate to communicate directly with the police and the Sonora community the following: who these USA Drug Cartel people are; why they are here and to share a bit of background about these circumstances.

The simple facts of the matter are as follows:

1) I am trying to help Mexico avoid a United States lead all out invasion of this country.

2) I helped to write Bitcoin while living in Santa Barbara in 2007/08 as the proprietor of Williamson Software ( and, after five years of hard work, am in the process of deploying a replacement cryptocurrency which could make Mexico the most wealthy nation on Earth. This cryptocurrency is called eCoin.

3) The USA drug cartel is planning to invade Mexico as soon as January 2025. That is only six months from now.

4) I personally possess dynamic and political information as well as the technical wherewithal to maneuver Mexico and outfit the military of Mexico to deflect the “greatest military superpower” on our planet.

Those behind this invasion plan and their carefully laid pretext know that I could help Mexico remain safe from this invasion and that is one of the reasons that they are going all out to stop me.

In the United States we have a saying, “It is a slippery slope all the way to the bottom.” That is to say, once we step off the path of integrity, it is a smooth slide all the way to the bottom, which I would say that the police of Sonora have reached.

I recently wrote a 20 page letter to your president detailing the CIA lead invasion plan of Mexico and how to deflect it. That is why the police were asked by the USA Drug Cartel to follow me to the military base in April of this year. Members of the police reading this, do you remember following me there on 16 April 2024? Here is a video in case you forgot.

Another major reason that I am a problem for the USA Drug Cartel (hereafter UDC), is that Bill Gates and George W. Bush, both members of the UDC, want to control Bitcoin. They are using Michael Saylor to try and take it over as I write this blog posting. The Saylor/Gates Orange ID system is part of my eCoin cryptocurrency patent pending design. Their attack on Bitcoin will likely fail on its own for several reasons, as the developers of Bitcoin are not as stupid as Bill Gates thinks they are, plus I have patent filings to protect my design.

The Orange ID system being proferred by Michael Saylor and Bill Gates, is an attempt to quickly crash into cryptocurrency and to take over Bitcoin through a BIP process (a part of Bitcoin), violate my patent and then pay the Sonora police to place me in jail. This would shut me down and restrain me from protecting my patent pending rights. Again, the Gates/Saylor Orange ID attempt to take over Bitcoin is based on my patent pending design. They could possibly succeed if I were in a Mexican jail on some bogus charges that they had paid the police to fabricate against me.

Do you understand now why they are using you?

1) Make sure you do as you are told and help prepare this city and country for the UDC sourced, US Military invasion, where the troops, according to Bush’s current plans, are set to arrive some time in 2025


2) Restrain an inventor from protecting his rights to defend his patent.

This is highly unethical and inappropriate for the police of Sonora on many levels.

By the way, I only filed the eCoin patent because I knew that Gates would use my ideas to basically take over Bitcoin to enslave and control the populace under a new currency system, that merely does what the old currency system did. This is not what Hal Finny, and I had in mind when we invented Bitcoin in Santa Barbara in 2007.

Do you really want to help these pinche American idiots to destroy your country and enslave your people with direct military control and introduce an even more oppressive monetary system?

Now you know the truth and the first reason that they are paying you to find an excuse to arrest me.

I have lived among you here in Hermosillo for over 10 years. I know some of you personally, and I also know that you are basically good people. I think that if you knew the truth about who you were accepting money from and their sinister plans against your country, that you would reject this money and the control that it buys over you.

For example the mandatory prostitution program that they have implemented against local families is reprehensible and humiliating beyond belief. This may be closer to you than you think, so you may want to pay attention to this story.

In 2014 a man who works both for the CIA and NSA, Dan Greenough aka David Green, entered a home in Hermosillo and held the mother of a family at gun point while the father was away at work, who is a good friend of mine. Then the father of the household had to tolerate this most bizarre and troubling experience. It had been decided by the UDC that the Mexican populace was merely an asset to be utilized in the most efficient manner possible. Therefore, why not sell the women for better asset utilization. A woman’s marital and social status as well as her occupational endeavor are irrelevant to these people.

The father was finally forced to leave his wife, a very good woman whom he loved, because this program lead to her getting a social disease and somewhat loosing her mind. His wife had been forced to become a prostitute. He simply could no longer tolerate watching his wife being used in this manner and treated so horribly. He could do nothing to stop it because there are no police to protect us, and the people who do this are part of a massive army sponsored by rich Americans who hide in the shadows and regularly pay the local and state police. But it got worse.

After, my friend moved out of the family home they started sending men to his house to prostitute his teenage daughter in the middle of the night for money paid to the people in charge of controlling this family. Can you imagine being a mother having to endure the circumstance of listening to your daughter be prostituted and abused in her own home in the middle of the night by strange men after loosing her husband and then having to keep quiet about it?

All members of the police forces may not be aware of this program, but the Sonora and Hermosillo police are a part of this total degradation program which is meant to break down the populace to such a degree that they stop trying to protect themselves. This is a tactic frequently employed by the American CIA to take over a new country. This is part of the brutality of the dictator, Mr. Bush and his shadow government, the true leader of the UDC. Mr. Bush has completely taken over the American CIA. The CIA is now a UDC and Bush controlled outfit. This means that the CIA is now controlled by the largest drug cartel in the Americas.

The CIA systems of control, developed over decades of research beginning with Natzi scientists, in Mexico are reprehensible and delivered in conjunction with the US Air Force dirigibles that loiter over Hermosillo all day and all night. You have probably noticed these high altitude vehicles in the skies above your city, especially at night. If you have good vision or a telescope you can make out the red and blue flashing lights despite their very high altitude.

In the industry of which I was a part we called these ariel vehicles SOS which stands for SubOrbital Satellites. I call them Blimpolites or SOBs, which stands for SubOrbital Blimpolites. Regardless of we call them, they are US military hardware belonging to a country that has made a declaration that it intends to invade this country. What do you think such a vehicle would be doing in our skies in advance of such an invasion?

How do they always know where I am, even when I leave my home without my cell phone? You must have asked yourself this question when they have many times telephoned you to report my position with no apparent spotters working on the ground near my home? These floating aircraft are a menace, and we should bring them to the ground (with the government’s assistance), recover them and show the world what they hide.

As a police officer and citizen, does any of this mean anything to you? Do you not love your family? Do you think that you can cash out and leave Mexico high and dry? How will you live in a land that does this to your families? Assuming that you leave Mexico with your UDC paid profits and move to the United States, a part of every dollar that you would pay into future taxes would go towards the enslavement of your people, your real home. How could you pay into supporting such a system?

The Invasion Plan

The invasion that they are planning for next year is nothing short of horrifying. They are promoting it everywhere, including all over Youtube. Check it out for yourself. I see a new AI generated video popping up almost daily depicting the wretched, drug filled and dangerous lands of Mexico. Who do you think is sponsoring this effort and paying for these videos and this pre-invasion, false flag propaganda? I will give you a clue: he cheated in the 2000 presidential race. Which means that the people paying you to frame me, are sending people to rape and prostitute your families are the same ones showing the world a face of Mexico as being nothing but evil and infested with murderous drug dealers.

I will now walk you through this scenario, so you can picture it for yourself, as I have assisted my government with the invasion of several countries, so I can tell you the basic steps that you are about to witness and experience first hand in your community and country.

First, they shall, without warning, fly in the stealth B-2 Spirit at night across the border and knock out key military bases, Mexico City government buildings, debilitating the capital of our great nation. They will bomb the presidential palace in Mexico City, possibly the governors palace in Hermosillo, destroy the military bases in Hermosillo at Morelos and the Air Force Base located out at the airport. One day these bases will be there and the next day they will not. All that will remain will be twisted rubble and dead bodies.

Do you remember following me to these two bases, carrying documents in April of this year? Your job was to stop me from delivering these important documents and my message to your president to assist him in this matter. If this invasion comes to pass you will again remember that day in April 2024 and my delivery attempts to help stop this nightmare. You shall remember as you witness the devastation to these areas of our city which shall be bombed out and your heart shall be filled with regret and your head filled with dread and helplessness while you watch your society crumble.

They will then show video feeds to all the world, all day long, to a video game violence-minded, US invasion oriented audience depicting those heroic bomber runs, flying in over that danger filled Mexico, with her illegal drug infested country and corrupted police fores, and surgically destroying key targets, using laser guided smart bombs, and, safely, murdering only those who might have protected us from what comes next.

Then, they will roll in the "liberating troops" across the border because Mexico no longer has a military to speak of. They will enter this town and start raping all of the young woman. You will be forced to feed them meals and get them drunk, and they will take your daughter for desert to be given to a group of men to ravage all night. They will tear down the Ford plant, Leer and the other maquiladoras because they are no longer needed. Many of your family members will be out of work and the higher standard of living in this part of Mexico will be reduced to the level of the rest of the country because the good jobs will all be gone. But, don't worry they will have new jobs for you. Oh, and they will no longer have to bribe the police. Why pay to milk a cow that one can milk for free!

In your new work, you will be given the option of employment as either a plantation slave or drug mule. You can grow poppies, because they will stamp out fentanyl and bring back Heroin (this is one of George's big dreams for Mexico invasion to build massive poppy plantations like he had in Afghanistan). And, no, native Mexican cartels, you cannot become like the Hamas and build underground tunnels to live and secretly fight the invading gringo army from the hills of Sinaloa. You have seen how this has gone in Gaza and is not a viable survival strategy. The Mexican police will sell you, so the cleaver little CIA folks will have no trouble finding you. They will study you from the air and then airstrike you and drone you to death. We must all work together and attack this problem in a sensible and appropriate manner if we hope to survive this difficult time in the history of Mexico.

In the second new job opportunity available to you, drug mule, you can "sneak" drugs across the border for money in this ridiculous cat and mouse game where you get away with it some days and other days you get caught. If this be your occupational endeavor, you will spend 40-70 percent of the rest of your life in prison. Don't believe me? Ask your friends and family living in California who mule and distribute drugs there. The prisons in California have powerful unions and they want a piece of the action. They will build the same extensive prison system here and many of your families members will live inside of these lovely institutions.

Over the first several years after the invasion they will randomly kill your family members using special teams of commandos who will forcibly enter your homes in the middle of the night, murder some and drag away others, who you will never see again. Don’t believe me? This is the exact tactic they used in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere. Why would Mexico be any different? You will spend much of the next five years going to funerals and learning your new place, to shut up and accept your fate. The CIA agents whom you have been accepting money from actually murder people for fun and simply for target practice. They really do.

Daniel Greenough, aka David Green, Former NSA Signals Intelligence and right hand man in Mexico to George W. Bush

One of their Hermosillo leaders, Daniel Greenough, aka David Green who is also a serial killer, I know has bribed some of the local police and public ministers directly, likes to collect videos of people being murdered. He likes to watch these in his spare time. He showed me his personal collection while in Abilene Texas when we were working with George in 2010. He likes to watch these murder flicks where blood flows out of people necks. He will be in charge of you and your family. He is a very sick person, and he will murder members of the families whom he has paid and send others to Guantanamo Bay to be experimented upon. That could possibly be you. You are, after-all, in fact a witness to his pre-invasion crimes. Also, you may not appreciate what they are doing to your daughters, so bye-bye, daddy! Wait until you find out first hand what the CIA is really doing in Gitmo. Your mind will be destroyed and you will not remember your wife, your children or the country that you sold out.

I know Daniel and his family because I was sent to Texas in 2009 to work with George on a new spy system, some of which is deployed in the systems being used against Mexico today. Daniel was working for NSA Signals Intelligence at the time, as was I, where I had bought an acre of land near Dyes Air Force base in Abilene under the promise that this was the last time that I was going to have to help them. We all worked on the UDC and filling it with illegally collected personal data, but many of us rebelled and left, including myself and Edward Snowden.

Whatever they have told you about me, you must see through these lies as I am obviously someone of importance. Why are they devoting some many resources in an effort to gain control over me? How did I build SolarSnap and survive all these years if I am some kind of crazy, simple idiot, as I am certain that they are saying about me? I literally invented virtually everything about this company and have fought numerous legal battles sponsored by American narco king big boss, Bush, and thus far winning every single case. Your “find a legal arrest vector” against me project is just one of at least 12 similar attacks that I have had to endure and survive since they murdered my good friend Mr. Dojaque in 2017. I suggest that you all look these invaders right in the eyes and ask them point blank who is this Mark E. Williamson person and why is he so important to you? Then study their response, looking hard into their eyes for the lies and the truth!

Mexico will soon look like Afghanistan and Americans will be saying things like, "That dirty old Mexico, what are we going to do to help these people?" They will all know that their leaders, the presidents, the CIA, other such agencies, all did this to Mexico. They will know the truth, but they are all too afraid of the truth, so they will keep quiet about your suffering, which will go on for decades. They will then build military bases here and then invade other countries, south of Mexico following this same pattern.

On now to the second reason that they so desperately hope to jail me...

I bring to you a great opportunity: We could reject this George W. Bush plan of annihilation and enslavement of Mexico and venture forth as a free nation and become a leader for our world!

As detailed in my April 2024 letter to AMLO (the one that you tried to stop me from delivering): I propose that we build a virtual fence along all of Mexico’s borders to detect and to intercept any hostile foreign invading activity, first and foremost stealth aircraft, illegally flying sorties against this sovereign nation. I am calling it the Good Neighbor Fence project. I also proposed that the police stop accepting money from these foreign subversive agents and that the police stop selling out our community and our country.

I conceived of the idea of the current stealth technology employed by the US government when I was just 10 years old living in Los Angeles – where it was not coincidentally first built into military aircraft. My stealth design idea first went into the F-117 built in Burbank, California. Yes, stealth technology is my invention. This stealth technique works through taking advantage of a simple flaw in the radar receiver signal rectifier, which acts as a sort of filter. As a child I was a HAM radio operator and understood what a rectifier was and theorized that stealth could be invented to fool the standard radar rectifiers. Later, I was employed as PM for RG Hansen in Santa Barbara, California at a DOD designated secret facility and helped with an upgrade to the Sidewinder missile in 2005. Since then the old Sidewinder has seen a renewed renaissance in the United States military

In my laboratory at SolarSnap, I am developing a new phased array radar system to track stealth aircraft and where we shall employ a rapid upgrade system to existing SAM missiles that incorporate stealth tracking to eliminate potential adversaries intent on carrying out illicit attacks upon Mexico, which would be, of course, in contravention to international law. Active phased array radar systems employing advanced signal processing and beam forming shall be built using 3D printers and widely available electrical parts. Much of the ability to detect and track stealth aircraft is dependent upon the software employed as much of the hardware available today is somewhat ubiquitous and easily obtainable.

Radar transmitter beam forming through sophisticated interference patterns specifically tailored for stealth hunting shall yield small and capable devices which shall detect stealthed aircraft and protect Mexico. I have 43 years of software development experience as well as experience with military weaponry and hardware. Oh, yeah, and I invented the current stealth concept when I was just 10 years old! This technology is now out-dated, and the careless Americans gave it away to Yugoslavia in 1999 through a downed F-117 bomber. Now the communists have this technology, albeit lacking in build competence. I could give Mexico an entirely brand new and real stealth technology as well as 50,000 mph interception vehicles that no one could shoot down.

Additionally, I have begun inventing a new type of bomb to better protect Mexico from illegal invasion plans. This new weapon would cause massive brain trauma to would-be invaders. We could install these along all borders to stop unlawful troops from entering in contravention to international law. This weapon develops the cavitation effect within non fixed objects of mass containing mainly water, turning brain matter into vapor. We could build a shield to encircle Mexico and protect us from any hostile or potentially maligned neighbors.

Furthermore, I invented a new atomic physical science, a unified theory, called Flow Theory, available on, giving new atomic energy insights. This new science brings a fresh perspective to atomic physics and finishes the work that Einstein started 100 years ago and failed to complete. Recently, I solved the riddles that he could not solve as written about in Gone Dark, 50 Years after Albert Einstein. Einstein failed to invent a unified theory of physics that properly visualized the construction of the most basic of all elements, the atom. As an example from Flow Theory, I finally answered the physics question, “What causes magnetic repulsion”? We have all experienced this phenomena when placing two magnets with the same poles facing each other and watched the magnets push away from each other.

The answer is surprisingly simple and does not require advanced mathematics to understand. This repulsive force is caused by secondary realm collisions of two or more electrical flow streams (imagine rivers flowing in another realm) colliding and opposing each another. Think of two fire hoses pointing at each other and what this flow collision would be like. The key is in understanding that this collision is occurring in a secondary realm, and this multi realm discovery is one of the primary, entirely new to physics, distinctions of Flow Theory. This is just one of many questions that I have answered within Flow, and that I have brought forth for my world in this new science that shall have a tremendous impact on human advances in space travel, manufacturing, longevity and the control of gravity, going forward. I wish to bring forth this new arena of discovery in Mexico and to enable this country to build the inventions that it shall bring. Furthermore, if required in defense of freedom and democracy, I could conceive of far more destructive weapons as well as ultra hypersonic delivery vehicles, but I am hoping that these measures shall not be necessary.

Bill Gates, George Bush, the CIA, the NSA and, hell, even Biden probably knows all of this about me, but Mexico is very ignorant about who I am. Do you understand your role now? Your job is to keep Mexico ignorant, weak and powerless and to make sure that no one in the military or federal government ever finds out who I am or the liberation that I could bring to this nation. I helped to build the United States, Microsoft, U.S. Air Force, the NSA, the CIA and I shall now help to build Mexico.

We could work together to defend Mexico as fellow citizens of this country. There is still time, my friends. That is what I was trying to communicate to AMLO on the day that I went to the military for help. The police of Sonora and Hermosillo know some important truths in regard to who I am and my impacts on technology, something that the Americans are hiding from the military and the president. Many do not yet know the truth which is that you are being paid to keep me in a lock step surveillance hell, and that I am somehow important to the powerful money interests in the United States. Some of you, any of you, could speak up and tell the military leaders what is really going on, knowing the truth about me and the lies that they are spending millions of dollars per year to spread about me. You could do that and possibly even save your country. Is this not an oxymoron: why spend millions of dollars to frame someone who is a harmless idiot? Obviously, this is a false narrative, but I wanted you to know the magnitude of the truth that you are being used to obscure about me and this situation.

I ask that you kindly consider all of this, while the clock ticks. As I said, they could be here as soon as January. There is still plenty of time, but there may not be in a few months. You could do it for your children and your families.

If you do not believe me about what they intend to do to Mexico, simply look at the other countries that George has invaded and the devastation that he has brought to our world. Mexico is nothing more than a drug production and transportation network to this tyrant. He has little or no affiliations with the international manufacturing companies that have factories here, and he cares not about their outcomes or losses. He has demonstrated time and again his brutality and lack of regard for the populace, even collateral damage to his own country. I have it upon very good authority, and first hand observations that Mexico is his next target. The American “War on Drugs”, as begun by President Nixon and continued by Bush, was never a war on illegal drugs. In reality it has only ever been cover for a “War Against Drug Competitors”. Taking over the government of Mexico would give George ultimate control over his illegal drugs cash cow where he hopes to manufacture copious amounts of Heroin.

I have new business partners that I am bringing on here in Hermosillo for eCoin, and I am very concerned that David Green and/or William Skidmore, who hang out at 90 Calle Marsella, the home of Ernesto Martinez (you know the place, part of George’s Hermosillo drug network), will harm they and their family members. I do not want any more of my partners found dangling from cables and then no one in the police notices an obvious homicide! At the very least do not condone or allow these actions. I just ask that you do your jobs and to act like respectable police officers, and not assist an invading nation that is bent on ruining all of our lives. Regardless of whether or not you do the right thing and come forward and help, do not assist them in developing a legalized manner of kidnapping me. I will continue to fight this illegal invasion by the United States as best I can and for as long as I can, but will no longer be able to defend your country or your homes if you illegally abduct me and then frame me for crimes that you manufactured! (if you are someone interested in more information about the “War on drug competitors”, please contact me).


Flow Theory: Going Beyond Modern Approximations of Gravity

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